We deeply understand that saying goodbye to your beloved pet is one of the hardest things anyone can do. Our compassionate team is here to provide the utmost comfort and care during these precious moments. Our customized In-Home Hospice and Euthanasia services offer a tranquil transition from regular to palliative to hospice care within the peace and familiarity of your own home.
No cold metal tables. No unsettling car rides or unfamiliar places. We offer peace of mind, knowing you have provided the most comfort in your pet’s final moments.
We take great pride in our extensive experience and commitment to upholding dignity, respect, and love throughout this challenging process. If you do not plan to bury your pet, we can assist with aftercare services, ensuring your beloved friend’s memory is honored with the utmost care and respect. For comforting words to remember your beloved pet, we direct our clients to the Rainbow Bridge Poem, a cherished symbol of the reunion between a pet and its owner.
You can view the full Rainbow Bridge Poem here.
For any inquiries or to arrange our In-Home Hospice and Euthanasia services, please don’t hesitate to call us at (831) 438-6546. We’re here to support you and your pet through this journey.